Yuzu agrees to pay Nintendo $2.4 million and will entirely shut down
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As of right now, both Citra and Yuzu are available via Flathub!!! Get them now if you don't have it!!!
How do I turn off Yuzu's auto-update? I don't want my computer to connect to a website that Nintendo now owns every time I boot up the emulator.
You should be fine. Yuzu checks the Github repo for updates which is now down. If you're still worried you could download it via Flathub and disable network access via Flatseal or terminal.
I have the opposite question. How do I make sure that Nintendo knows every time I run yuzu?
Anyone got the windows installer?
Lots of people have already forked it. I think it's even backed up on the Internet Archive too. You could also check the Yuzu subreddit as well.
doesn't look like there's download links anymore