Imagine that your friendly local game store has a sale and you see a great deal on a game by one of your favorite designers. You know nothing about the game besides the designer's name and that it's a decent price. You are in a hurry, no time to research, buy it now or miss out.
Which designer's game would you most likely purchase blindly based only on their name?
@donio I think my best hit rate is with Cole Wehrle, but I've sat and thought about this for a bit and I think I run into the issue that I generally only bat about 50% on any designer that does more than a couple games. There always seems to be something that they do that makes me go "no, you sort of missed on this one..."
For example:
- I enjoy Roads & Boats, Indonesia, and The Great Zimbabwe, but Antiquity/FCM/Bus all fell flat to me after a play or two.
- I adore Root/Pamir/JC1 but An Infamous Traffic was not good, and Oath was not worth keeping (and I skipped JC2 after playtesting).
- Glass Road/Ora & Labora/Bohnanza/Patchwork I like a lot, but I got rid of Caverna, Agricola, and I'm still deciding on the new Canal game.
- Twilight Struggle/1989/1960 I adore, and a bunch of other Matthews games I got rid of.
-- Glory to Rome, Innovation, and Mottainai are respectable, but The Bird and some others just sort of miss the mark I'm after.
- John Bohrer is on a 30% hit rate and I think I still have like 3 or 4 of his Winsome games.
There are some designers who I don't bother with at all anymore, because their style just doesn't mesh with me at all, and that's great cause there are other people who like those, but if we're talking about "who is your go-to" then that's tougher to say.
@Repptar Had it and got rid of it (well, more accurately, a friend had it and got rid of it). Juice wasn't worth the squeeze to us. It's a big game, and I think the one piece of advice I'd have is to approach it more like you would Here I Stand where it's going to take gobs of time and require a greater rules burden. This isn't TS2.0 sort of thing, and it wasn't intended to be.
I get really picky about my wargames, and this wasn't a time period that I felt passionate about. That's my fear with the upcoming Simmons game (which was BaM2e, now Triomphe à Marengo). I like Napoleon's Triumph in part because it does a great job of helping create that immersion of "I'm a commander and here is the situation" given the presentation, but it's not my time period so the rules burden and eccentricities are more of a burden than I normally want to put up with. I'm hoping this is an easier hill to climb as I do have some other fiends who jam on that era and it would be nice to have a game that meets my level of engagement with it that they are likewise interested in.
@donio I think my best hit rate is with Cole Wehrle, but I've sat and thought about this for a bit and I think I run into the issue that I generally only bat about 50% on any designer that does more than a couple games. There always seems to be something that they do that makes me go "no, you sort of missed on this one..."
For example:
- I enjoy Roads & Boats, Indonesia, and The Great Zimbabwe, but Antiquity/FCM/Bus all fell flat to me after a play or two.
- I adore Root/Pamir/JC1 but An Infamous Traffic was not good, and Oath was not worth keeping (and I skipped JC2 after playtesting).
- Glass Road/Ora & Labora/Bohnanza/Patchwork I like a lot, but I got rid of Caverna, Agricola, and I'm still deciding on the new Canal game.
- Twilight Struggle/1989/1960 I adore, and a bunch of other Matthews games I got rid of.
-- Glory to Rome, Innovation, and Mottainai are respectable, but The Bird and some others just sort of miss the mark I'm after.
- John Bohrer is on a 30% hit rate and I think I still have like 3 or 4 of his Winsome games.
There are some designers who I don't bother with at all anymore, because their style just doesn't mesh with me at all, and that's great cause there are other people who like those, but if we're talking about "who is your go-to" then that's tougher to say.
What are your thoughts on Jason Matthews' Imperial Struggle?
@Repptar Had it and got rid of it (well, more accurately, a friend had it and got rid of it). Juice wasn't worth the squeeze to us. It's a big game, and I think the one piece of advice I'd have is to approach it more like you would Here I Stand where it's going to take gobs of time and require a greater rules burden. This isn't TS2.0 sort of thing, and it wasn't intended to be.
I get really picky about my wargames, and this wasn't a time period that I felt passionate about. That's my fear with the upcoming Simmons game (which was BaM2e, now Triomphe à Marengo). I like Napoleon's Triumph in part because it does a great job of helping create that immersion of "I'm a commander and here is the situation" given the presentation, but it's not my time period so the rules burden and eccentricities are more of a burden than I normally want to put up with. I'm hoping this is an easier hill to climb as I do have some other fiends who jam on that era and it would be nice to have a game that meets my level of engagement with it that they are likewise interested in.