I don't want to be a goat farmer, I want to live under socialism. I want to be interested in what I work on.
The whole working gang is interested in production
I want to live in a country that cares for each other and the work they do.
It is a mood in which a newly literate servant girl will hail the rain running into her leaky shoes if that rain means harvest. Harvest somewhere far off on farms she never sees.
100%. The desire to regress to a simpler mode of life sprouts from petty bourgeois ideology, when the real answer is progression beyond the decay of Capitalism so we can continue progressing onwards. Great comment, comrade 🫡
I don't want to be a goat farmer, I want to live under socialism. I want to be interested in what I work on.
I want to live in a country that cares for each other and the work they do.
100%. The desire to regress to a simpler mode of life sprouts from petty bourgeois ideology, when the real answer is progression beyond the decay of Capitalism so we can continue progressing onwards. Great comment, comrade 🫡