Would all rhetoric (persuading people) be propaganda? I think that makes the word useless.
it's not useless if it describes something.
It's describing all communication, good and bad. This conversation we're having right now would be propaganda.
You're trying to influence someone's understanding of the term propganda, which makes it propganda.
And you're communicating, which makes your comment propaganda. Or is it only propaganda when it's to political ends?
turns out, everything is political, so, yes, it's all propaganda.
So I think that definition is useless, since there's nothing that isn't propaganda.
have you read Foucault?
You want to summarize?
Than why'd you bring it up?
I wanted to see if it was worth continuing this conversation
You thought I'd have read it?
I thought if you had read it this might be a worthwhile conversation.
And yet you continue
this hasn't been a conversation for hours
Should I set up a bot, we can just trade trivialities back and forth forever?
Would all rhetoric (persuading people) be propaganda? I think that makes the word useless.
it's not useless if it describes something.
It's describing all communication, good and bad. This conversation we're having right now would be propaganda.
You're trying to influence someone's understanding of the term propganda, which makes it propganda.
And you're communicating, which makes your comment propaganda. Or is it only propaganda when it's to political ends?
turns out, everything is political, so, yes, it's all propaganda.
So I think that definition is useless, since there's nothing that isn't propaganda.
have you read Foucault?
You want to summarize?
Than why'd you bring it up?
I wanted to see if it was worth continuing this conversation
You thought I'd have read it?
I thought if you had read it this might be a worthwhile conversation.
And yet you continue
this hasn't been a conversation for hours
Should I set up a bot, we can just trade trivialities back and forth forever?