That picture looks like someone smoked a facehugger from Alien.
Shaving a 🍆 in your hair to woo the girls.
Funny that this musk+trump image was made several years ago.
It's totally a word, too many people suffer from
Some are sub-class others are dom-class, and then there's the gimps.
The kid needs a middle name:
Blessica Blaykelyn Bimpson
Hello my fellow human beings, I'm a human and love doing human activities.
If the AI can design and build a bridge in two days, the AI should also be able to secure the finances in a day!
After 5 years of dating, either hire them or propose to them.
When I get helper functions from stack overflow or similar, I normally add a comment with a link to the article, mostly for my own sake so if there's any problems later I can re-read the article to get more info, or use it to try and find other solutions.
OP in 10 months:
It's a lesser known condition, peeing is really tough when the noodles get soggy.