Go S.Korea!! This is the kind of shit we need in the US too! The amount of inspirational stuff coming of of Korea right now is amazing.
Union strong! ✊
Korea seems like a shitty place.
You got a music industry that sculpt artists so they look as perfect as they can be. Then, they build a personality cult around tbem, elevating them to godlike status.
Meanwhile, inequality is rampant and people are dying from being exploited by the same 3 corporations that perpetually escape the rule of law.
The atmosphere seems so unhealthy to live in. You feel the social pressure to get in the rank and work like a slave while being alienated from your fellow humans in a giant urban sprawl.
From time to time, the leader of the North side decides he want to wake up and spews some dumb bullshit.
Why did I zoom in expecting to be able to read their signs easier... I know all of 3 Korean words, and no idea how to read/write them