You know these colors are arbitrary, right? In the UK, Tories are blue and Labor is red.
Just need to combine those windows with built-in bug nets and we're solid.
I read in an AP article that he worked on Civ VI as an intern, so you would be correct.
I can't believe they tracked down his Goodreads account. The internet truly never ceases to amaze.
He presented the fake ID to police when they first questioned him.
Sigh. I'm glad to have switched to LibreWolf.
Good point! Also much less weight.
To be fair, the most efficient mode of transportation is cycling by far. I wonder if bike tires also contribute to this.
Was that documentary called Arcane, by any chance?
It's mind boggling to me how many people don't even use desktops anymore. Or do "serious" things like buy plane tickets on their phone. The younger generation is almost entirely phone-only.
It was a distraction tactic and they fell for it brilliantly.
You're on a federated website, but think what we need is more centralized marketplaces?