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Welcome to Programmer Humor!
This is a place where you can post jokes, memes, humor, etc. related to programming!
For sharing awful code theres also Programming Horror.
Found the Rust programmer
Ha, such a loser. Real programmers use C.ԥ[��\�q��r��8-߿�ʱT�xd]�UG���S;���v�o������ՠ��N�iYts~fv���@ֿ��Qj�\�Q��_"�$�:� �����0��y��G�6�K!~{Ȯ������Z�n�˭s�\��ڣ�:J��1���e�k=�${�Z�3�k~67D�����K���(�P.��v�0��a�����d���6e?=�v�)���a��bF���R��4>�˕�G�=��v-�dP��O�3��+A�nw�|ъ�f۽b�oF�I`'�#��:��̴g>�j:^���O�mu^U�l�A�oI�'�.��j>Dm\����y��2T��8w�D"1������ת«Q����l�"�C�{��������% �_�A�߸�=t��� �X��m�9R�x��)�a�-���tbL�����Ǣs��d$oMZ��4I1jXD���
Segmentation fault
(core dumped)
what! how did you know??!?
Rust may be good and all, but I doubt it's magically always write good A+ code, I'm sure some developers will slap all their code inside unsafe as a shortcut.
Hey! Don't read my code!
(how else are you supposed to cast a lambda to a generic type parameter?)
yeah i was mostly joking. rust will never catch up to javascripts beauty