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Prove you have been in this field, for even 5 minutes. Where is your stackoverflow page?
I'm just doing to you what you are doing to her. Did it get through? Is it annoying to deal with your own bullshit?
I never accused you of claiming to be an expert in 5 languages without evidence. I accused you of claiming to be an expert in programming ("...and as an expert in programming I recognize that.") Without proof. Why does she need proof for her claim and you don't for yours? Your claim seems bigger, claiming to be an expert in the whole of programming.
I flat out don't agree that knowing 5 languages is ridiculous. It is your opinion.
I haven't been coding for any years, I'm not in CS. You being a gatekeeper probably means you think I should't even be allowed to comment in this thread at all. I do have many people in my life who are in CS and discuss it with them regularly. (I hope you don't mind how vague I'm being, don't want too much identifying information)
The original claim in the post was just "can code in", and you made unnecessary disparaging comments implying she was a liar and inexperienced, just like the assholes in the screenshot, because you got your panties in a twist that anyone DARE claim a skill in something you do without your approval. It then turned into a stupid back and forth where you constantly changed how experienced you expected her to be to meet your criteria.
That kind of behavior pisses me the fuck off. Let people do and enjoy things, don't gatekeep, and don't act like you are certain of something just because of what you think is "likely" in your limited worldview.
Lmao proof positive that you are just an asshole gatekeeper. Probably sexist too, despite your claim otherwise, since you are so determined to put her down.
Also how do you not realize how asinine you sound????
"She said she can code in 5 languages! That's crazy, she probably isn't a master in all 5 of those languages possibly! That means she is a liar! I'M RIGHT! I'M RIGHT! I'M RIGHT!"