In my neck of the (american) woods, it usually is "free delivery! No fees if your meal is $15 or more!" according to their ads, but then they artifically raise the menu prices in the app. A meal might cost you $12 with tax at a burger place near me, but on ubereats / doordash that same meal is $19 because they raised the menu price. That way when you go to pay, it says there was "no extra fee".
In my neck of the (american) woods, it usually is "free delivery! No fees if your meal is $15 or more!" according to their ads, but then they artifically raise the menu prices in the app. A meal might cost you $12 with tax at a burger place near me, but on ubereats / doordash that same meal is $19 because they raised the menu price. That way when you go to pay, it says there was "no extra fee".