I wonder what reason fanboys of moz will come up with to justify this idiotic design.
so many people complain and create their own solutions
but the fanboys tell me the users are just stupid and yet fail to explain how "close application" and "get mails" should be in one row. is this good for a known workflow?
please fanboys enlighten me how this is not yet another of many many terrible decisions by the digital terrorists behind moz? (killing weave, ugly logos, locking down on customization, having amazon default in adressbar search and so on...)
is there one sane argument to do it?
and do we have to fear firefox to lose more users soonish with the same designfail for the browser?
2.8% firefox ...so 2% in 2024?
So what? That doesn't make thunderbird (or firefox) a proprietary spyware. You have the option to change default search engine from Google to whatever.
from this thread you can see that NOBODY had any valid argument to make the file menue second row.
nobody can explain why there need to be two buttons to compose a new mail.
all i take from this is to stop using moz products.
nobody can explain or wants to explain those decisions, the community is not reflecting anything and the usercount is falling and falling and falling.
so let them fap on javascript performance until they are alone.