Hey Google, go fuck yourself entirely
Noticed that theres no equivalent to r/crappydesign here yet so i made one
They really think this will work, don't they?
If you're using an ad blocker, they don't want your business anyway.
Who the fuck is clicking ads anyway? It feels like an entirely made up industry that just generates its own Revenue somehow.
I've had this thought before too. Like, someone somewhere must be clicking on these ads but I've never met them. The closest I've found is my dad who clicks on the google search ads (before I blocked them for him) but he isn't exactly an active internet user. He might open youtube once a month for one video when hes trying to fix something. Noone is making much ad revenue off of him.
A large chunk of advertising isn't to get you to buy their products right that second. The goal is brand recognition so when you are ready to buy the products, you think of them first.
Like, why does Coke still need to advertise? Literally everyone knows what they sell.
They get money just for showing ads.
Wow thanks for your incredibly detailed explanation genius
You’re welcome. I wanted to contribute with the common sense that Google still earn money from ads even if people don’t click on them.
All it does is move the goalposts over to "why are companies paying for ads that aren't getting clicks".
No. They get money for clicks.
Companies pay money to Google for showing ads to you.
Do you click tv ads? So maybe clicking isnt necessary to make ad money, genius
You watch TV? With ads? Uh OK grampa
I was simply explaining the concept of ads to you, good job looking stupid
👍 thanks gramps
tfw gramps has a better grasp of technology than u
Yeah old people and strong grasp how together like oil and water. Sorry about your lack of emulsion.
old = dumb lol nice mindset
Keep going for it, you're gonna get that dopamine soon I'm sure
is that what calling old people dumb gets you?
No. I get my.dopamine from watching folks like you flop around like a fish trying to find some water to breathe in, for absolutely the dumbest of reasons. The hills that people choose to die on constantly amuses the fuck out of me.
Humanity is depressing if you pay too much attention to shit. People like you are a convinient distraction from things that actually matter. Watching the lengths people will go to, in the name of supporting an argument which didn't matter to begin with, helps me establish a healthier scale for myself, in my own personal life.
This is way more honesty than I normally toss out here, so do with it as you will. FWIW also I'm not exactly young.
gets told u dont need to click ads to generate profit, proceeds to insult old people and rant about humanity, too funny lmfao
Thanks for sharing your opinion after I shared mine
It sadly probably will. At least for the majority of users that either don't know or can't be bothered to circumvent it.