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That's complete bullshit and you know it. People that drive lifted trucks like that are called stupid rednecks that are compensating.
To be fair “stupid rednecks that are compensating” is different from “elitist who is forcing their lifestyle on everyone”.
I don't think anyone outside of here says that about cyclists. And certainly no one thinks an imbecile in a big truck is an elitist. If anything they probably feel sorry for them that they think Olive Garden is a fancy Italian restaurant
Eh. Depends where you live maybe. I’ve definitely had plenty of conversations and overheard people with exactly this opinion about cyclists.
For my area the only cyclists anyone dislike are fuckers in packs cause theyre stupid and litigious as fuck. Seriously theyve tried sueing folks for "blocking roads" it was some dudes private road he had made so he could pull into his back yard via either street since his property spanned between the two. There was also an instace where a bunch of them plowed into a motorcycle pulling out of a parking lot, luckily a cop was across the street doing the same so his dashcam caught the guy at the front swerve into the motorcyclist.
So all in all individual bicyclists good, packs of them bad.
Olive Garden is the only authentic Italian place in the whole world everything else is a pale imitation
In my experience regarding pizzerias and Italian eateries, the more authentically Italian the food, the less impressed I am with it. I think we Americans like Chicago mobster food, not authentic stuff from Sicily.
Though a friend of mine did go to Italy and came back with literally dozens of kinds of olive oil, so it may depend on the region and the chef.
Idk it's pretty elitist to say everyone should buy an expensive hunk of metal that runs on a expensive flammable substance just to get groceries I understand that there are some truck drivers that aren't elitist but those blokes drive kai trucks and few and far between meanwhile the elitist f150 drivers are everywhere like June bugs