Hello World!
The Lemmy.World Terms of Service was recently updated, and we have also published 3 new documents set to be in use, starting from today. These documents are:
- The Privacy Policy, which may be found at https://legal.lemmy.world/privacy-policy/
- The Cookie Policy, which may be found at https://legal.lemmy.world/cookie-policy/
- The Fair Use Policy, which may be found at https://legal.lemmy.world/fair-use/
they're too long, didn't read
Here are some simplified explanations to save you from the trouble. This update of our documentation was made to further reassure transparency towards our users, to comply with applicable laws to the best of our abilities, and to make it more convenient for all of us to use Lemmy.World safely.
The Changes Made to the Terms of Service
- Section 8 was updated to refer to our new documents.
- Section 5 was updated to further accommodate some of our communities, which were requesting exemptions from the previous version.
- The minimum age was raised from 16 to 18.
The Privacy Policy in Short
We don't collect any real data from you. The only actual data we do collect are your username, password, the e-mail address you provide, and your Internet Protocol(IP) address.
We will never share your data with anyone for any reason, unless you do illegal stuff.
What's the Fair Use Policy?
The Fair Use Policy defines the main user and bot rules, and it is made so that rules of conduct and participation are easier for our users to read and access.
The Cookie Policy
Lemmy.World uses cookies like any other website. If you'd like to learn more or disable cookies, then visit the relevant link to our Cookie Policy.
end of relevant content
Upon these bits of info, we are also dying to tell you about why are we even bothering with any of this at all, and much more about our efforts and struggles that we hadn't had the time to tell you yet. But let that be a topic for our next post, haha :) stay safe, and with love!
Does "burner email" have a legal definition? I ask this in good faith, as a privacy conscious user with multiple emails — some of which have one purpose and one purpose only.
Thanks for any input!
We do not count e-mail alisases as burner e-mails, as I assume that is what you meant. The use of temporary e-mail addresses are not allowed on Lemmy.World, and this is checked and enforced automatically during sign-up. So, as an already successfully registered and confirmed user, you have nothing to worry about.
So things like the “hide my email” addresses that iCloud generates are fair game. They are aliases. Right?
These are popular and available to very average people. All in the name of privacy, and anti-spam.
I assume this refers to some kind of automatically generated bot email thing?
Close enough. There are certain e-mail providers which one might use to generate and use an e-mail address only for a specific amount of time(eg. ~10 mins), and then will get destroyed by the provider and will no longer be valid. These services are mostly used by bots and spammers, as we have witnessed from countless spam attacks as well as CSAM incidents. Those are what we call burner mails, because they get burned quickly. And they are not allowed here anymore, since a while now.