Firefox starting to remove tracking parameters from shared URLs
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Another fine addition would be a cut of redirecting trash. If you post some link in some soc network, it would sometimes replace it with it's own link going through an outbound clicks tracker, safety pages 'Do you really want to follow it?' or just block you saying the link seems malicious.
If I'm a 3%er, can I choose not to have it?
There is an Extension called FastForward which skips ad-link redirectors.
Not sure if thats what you mean.
Gonna try it, thanks.
Found what you need, not sure if it works for specifically Gmail though: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/skip-redirect/
Might break a few things when set to act in blacklist mode.. had that happen, but was rare
I think Gmail on Android does this. Any link you click on in the app Firefox shows you the initial Google address before you go to the link you clicked on.
If you copy and paste the URL this doesn't happen.