At first. He campaigned as a progressive the first time, but they soon taught him how to govern like a Clintonesque neoliberal 90%+ of the time while constantly promoting the (at the very most) 10% of what he did as president that benefitted regular people more than the already rich and powerful, their corporations and their hedge funds.
Not really, no. His own uninspired leadership is almost half as big a part of it as the 2010 redistricting plot. Not every bad idea or capitulation was because of Congress.
It’s what they want every time. Obama had to be shoved down their throats.
At first. He campaigned as a progressive the first time, but they soon taught him how to govern like a Clintonesque neoliberal 90%+ of the time while constantly promoting the (at the very most) 10% of what he did as president that benefitted regular people more than the already rich and powerful, their corporations and their hedge funds.
That's a pretty unfair analysis of Obama, if you look at Congress during those 8 years.
Not really, no. His own uninspired leadership is almost half as big a part of it as the 2010 redistricting plot. Not every bad idea or capitulation was because of Congress.