And soon to be you will find them employed by the Mafia betting their own whole life upon the success of a 30 minute delivery.
And don't touch the Snow Crash.
Except at that point the Mafia are somehow supposedly the good guys?
kinda hard to be worse than the police …
Uncle Enzo isn't going to let you down unless you let him down first.
The best franchise!
No one is "good" just "good at" anyone saying otherwise is literally using religion to lie to you about being the very delusion of anyone that is "good."
Found the morality relativist.
I am not a relativist. Though there is something specific to which I relate my development of skills towards.
And soon to be you will find them employed by the Mafia betting their own whole life upon the success of a 30 minute delivery.
And don't touch the Snow Crash.
Except at that point the Mafia are somehow supposedly the good guys?
kinda hard to be worse than the police …
Uncle Enzo isn't going to let you down unless you let him down first.
The best franchise!
No one is "good" just "good at" anyone saying otherwise is literally using religion to lie to you about being the very delusion of anyone that is "good."
Found the morality relativist.
I am not a relativist. Though there is something specific to which I relate my development of skills towards.