AG Radar Returns JF-17
Lemmy community for the flight simulator DCS World by Eagle Dynamics. No Affiliation to ED
Great Guides for DCS Modules https://chucksguides.com/
This sounds like the sort of thing you used to be able to look at in the lua files, but sure if that's still possible. Have you tried looking at the same targets in something else? I'm not so up on what has good A/G radars, but maybe the f-16 might be worth a try.
The JF-17 is a really under-represented model, I wish there was more single player content for it.
Unfortunately the Jeff is the only AG Radar capable module I have. I was planning to do a miz file and provide it so there can be comparable testing. Thinking about placing some set of targets in a lofi area of Caucasus to have nothing else giving radar returns in the vicinity of the targets. Can you explain in which luas to look? I could try.
Yeah the Jeff is really great. I am happy to have found an DCS air wing that sports a really active Jeff squadron. SP really is bleak