Found my old ultra sun cart anf have a few questions. First of all, is it possible to reset the cart and start a new game? Second of all, is it possible to obtain a wild machamp in ultra sun? Not sure if pretendo will work and I can't do save edit fuckery on original hardware (I think)
Mainly so I can make a decent team, went through what my old team was and it was just random ultra beasts
Also because I’ve done it, all you have to do to evolve a pokemon is change its evolution to the next one up. I think it’ll miss evolution moves but you can look those up and edit those on
Pretendo said they had a DNS-only way to function but maybe that’s only Wii U. Hacking your 3DS is easy, if tedious:
My 3ds is already hacked.
Wait, I can save edit on it? :D
Universal Updater -> PKSM.
Also because I’ve done it, all you have to do to evolve a pokemon is change its evolution to the next one up. I think it’ll miss evolution moves but you can look those up and edit those on
Cool :3
Can't find it in universal updater.
FBI should install it from here
Thank you