Meet Microsoft Office’s new default font: Aptos (theverge.com)
A community to discuss and share information about typography and fonts
Sibling community:
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The usual ones on Lemmy and Mastodon. In short: be kind or at least respectful, no offensive language, no harassment, no spam.
(Icon: detail from the title of Bringhurst's Elements of Typographic Style. Banner: details from pages 6 and 12, ibid.)
Aptos: grotesque/neo-grotesque, more in common with Helvetica/Arial.
Calibri: humanist, squarely in the Frutiger ~~knockoff~~ family.
Link sausage
Tangential: strange though how brief Calibri's reign as default font was, even after the US Government declared it the official document font (replacing Times New Roman) by resident typography expert, Antony J. Blinken.
Apparently, I'm a Frutigerphile. :)