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A community for discussing Plex Media Server. Plex Media Server is a smart software that makes playing movies, tv shows, and other media on your computer simple.
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Useful Resources
- Plex FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about using Plex Media Server and client apps with many useful links
- Plex App Setup Guide - Visual guide for first-run setup of Plex apps on smart devices
- c/Plex Add-ons Guide - Detailed info on many of the most popular Plex add-ons with links to setup guides and other resources. Mantained for this community.
- Servarr Wiki - The consolidated wiki for Lidarr, Prowlarr, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr.
- TRaSH-Guides - Guides mainly for Sonarr/Radarr/Bazarr and everything related to it.
- Awesome-arr - a complete list of Plex-related companion apps, user scripts, etc.
- Plex Hardware Transcoding Cheat Sheet - NVidia GPUs
- Organizing and Naming Your Media Files
- Troubleshooting Server Connections
- Plex User Forums
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I use the Plex app on my CCwGTV and it's great, is this the app you're referring to?
Yes. I actually haven't really used it in the past month or so because I've been using Kodi locally, but I put up with bugs for 3 years, at least. For example, subtitles just dying, and files refusing to play. It got so bad, I setup a home assistant script that used adb_command to force kill and restart the Plex app. I could say "hey Google, piece of trash" whenever subtitles fully just stopped working, or it hung randomly, or whatever. My blood pressure has gone down significantly since switching to Kodi, but I keep pms running for mobile and web.
Ngl I've had a CCwGTV since launch and haven't experienced any of this. In fact it's been the most stable Plex experience I've had other than the desktop app.
I've had heaps of issues with transcoding, possibly because some of my hardware is old, but since using tdarr to transcode my library to something the CCwGTV can play directly is mostly smooth sailing.
CCwGTV should direct play just about anything that's odd.
When I had transcoding issues it was down to bitrate or client device. CCwGTV can handle HEVC and OPUS audio with a subtitle track just fine (an Xbox would transcode OPUS audio and subtitles). I did have to get an ethernet adapter and stronger AC adapter in order to play high bitrate 4k but I've downgraded almost all of my 4K to 1080p anyway
Edit: depending on which model of GTV you have, you might not be able to play AV1 but that's fine because nobody is transcoding releases to AV1 yet