We were having a chat about retro box art on my Discord server, so I was browsing some Famicom box art today. I don't have a ton of NES (North America) ones I like, as it's a lot of this kind of thing, but there are a bunch of Japan ones I like. The post link is for Destiny of an Emperor 「天地を喰らう」. I also like the original Zelda box art, very satisfying shade of green:
Tons of great stuff in this era, I have someones google drive bookmarked that has all the art from a few different systems. It can be frustrating trying to track down which artist did the illustrations though.
This feels like a perfect example of the era, love it.
Video games weren't great about credits in general back then. A little while ago I was trying to find who did a music track from Mega Man and only figured it out because there was an interview about it with the guy.
Tons of great stuff in this era, I have someones google drive bookmarked that has all the art from a few different systems. It can be frustrating trying to track down which artist did the illustrations though.
This is one of my personal favs
This feels like a perfect example of the era, love it.
Video games weren't great about credits in general back then. A little while ago I was trying to find who did a music track from Mega Man and only figured it out because there was an interview about it with the guy.