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Fuck Cars
A place to discuss problems of car centric infrastructure or how it hurts us all. Let's explore the bad world of Cars!
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The speeding tickets are for 34 mph and 24 mph above the limit, this is roughly 54.7 kph and 38.6 kph or 15.2 m/s and 10.7 m/s above the limit in standardised units.
Are the offenses of a single US-American lawmaker really !
I mean, he really shouldn't be driving considering he had a debilitating stroke. That's fine for senatorial duties where you have aides and AIPAC telling you how to vote. Driving is a whole other thing.
Wow, we have his doctor here. Lots of people who have had a stroke, even those with partial paralysis, are perfectly capable of driving.
Lots of people who have had a stroke and should absolutely not be driving are still driving.
Because in America telling old people they can't drive is basically telling them to sit at home die sad and lonely. Or worse, move out of their status symbol suburban homes to which they have tied their entire self worth.
There's a builder erecting McMansions and McTownhomes near me named NV Homes. I was curious to know what "NV" stood for until I got it: "envy". It's just pathetic how many people derive their sense of self worth from going into debt to buy one of these cardboard shit buckets.
speeding does use the individuals yearly earnings thats how bill gates speeding ticket was greater than ~10k USD