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I will continue dunking on Valve as long as they remain the reason good, healthy alternatives can't exist. I will not re-hash the whole arguments here, please see my other replies in this thread.
I have read your arguments, I just fundamentaly disagree. I do not want to lower the ceiling until valve is as crappy as the rest. I want the floor to rise. Basically valve do not stop other companies from competing. Nothing is stopping EGS from including and contributing to proton. allowing and even helping developers to have their games on multiple marketplaces. Building awesome services to provide to developers.
So is there something you didn't understand that I can clarify, or are we in agreement that Valve needs to discard the PMFN policy?
Is it a shitty businiss practice? Absolutly. Should valve as the only company allow others to under cut them? No that would be insane. Should it be regulated as illegal businiss practices for everyone - yes absolutly.
Okay, fair enough.
It is basically contractual price fixing. Staggering that the practice is allowed.