If body cams get cheaper and cheaper, companies might start asking more people to wear them while working.
I could see this for ~~doctors~~, at restaurants, ~~stores,~~, etc... eventually.
Are you ready to wear one?
A few people said this wouldn't ever make sense for doctors (privacy laws) or for fixed locations (stores). I should have thought of that.
But what about Uber / bus drivers, or repair people who go into homes? I can imagine a large corporation thinking a cam is a good idea, for their own CYA (not for the customers' or the employees').
Also I don't like this idea either, to be clear. I was mostly playing devil's advocate here to see what you all think. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Pretty much what I expected, tbh
Imagine an 8 hour livestream of someone banging their head on the keyboard until the code magically fixes itself. Very fun.
Same here. But imagine if you were living in The Fifth Element world of mega-corps. They tell you to wear a camera so they can tell when you're not working...
There's monitoring software like that already.
Either they will leave me alone, or they're gonna end up like Evil Corp. Considering my workplace is a Major Bank, it would make sense.