this post was submitted on 06 Aug 2024
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Dito, fixing interesting problems is fun. My main issue is that we have had a caroucel of bosses (4 in the last 4 years) and the current one gets a C-. Half the team does not trust them due to drama with the previous manager and the they keep trying to make it so the different team members specialize in different tasks (everyone used to be trained to do everything). I like the job and the company, but its one or two step removed from "Office Space" levels of corpo whohash.
In my office the only issue is admin stuff, time tracking, emails, case updates that sort of time sucking boring nonsense, found a way around, train the new guys, tell em' contact me if you have problems, so now I fix their stuff and they do the emails/notes :D
I have to convince mangement I'm doing work every yearly review, so far so good!
Depending on how old you are, I'd say that you're working with what you're best at and delegating the things you're not good at, to those on your team or department, that are better at them. If you're under 45, I'd have a hard time seeing this as you doing a good thing. That you're just passing off the things you and everyone else should be doing for the new poor schmucks. I could be biased though.
I'm above 40 but below 45, i am shit at paperwork and composing an email takes half a day. each time I solve an issue the solution and more importantly the process I go through to get to the solution is shared, I don't want to have to fix things more than twice and it is my job to share knowlege/train the new guys.
They don't know that I don't know shit and every problem is fixed with detailed troubleshooting not 'knowing' what the issue is.