Dark Souls II - Alternate cover by Azpiri (Spain)
Video games are not mere time killers. They are albums of sound, aesthetics, animation and narrative.
This community is in appreciation of that. Screenshots, fanart, animations, gameplay clips. It is all welcome here.
The one common thread should be an eye for the aesthetic. This is not a place to discuss mechanics or stats, but to show off simply the artistic, expressed through the video game medium.
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Cool fantasy art; I like the colour and the composition. However, much as there's a lot of dragon riding, sword swinging and skull stomping in Dark Souls, it would be most misleading to suggest you, the protagonist, are doing much of it - you're more on the receiving end. Doesn't really invoke the 'fading flame' theme of the series, either.
Azpiri takes MANY liberties with his covers. It's like they are more about the ilustration than the game. With very old games (see example below) it was very obvious, but with newer games, the style feels a bit weird if you don't know the artist.
Source of the image: Retro 19 – Abu Simbel, Profanation | Commodore Spain