except she is for all those things except the last one which is self evident since fascists fucking love the shit out of the free market.
she is literally a fucking pig
she is amerikkkan and proud
literally head pig in california when the pigs where running people over in 2020
the amerikkkan empire is already so militarized that anything short of trying to scale it back counts
just because the other ghoul is even more of a fascists doesn't make her not one.
except she is for all those things except the last one which is self evident since fascists fucking love the shit out of the free market.
she is literally a fucking pig
she is amerikkkan and proud
literally head pig in california when the pigs where running people over in 2020
the amerikkkan empire is already so militarized that anything short of trying to scale it back counts
just because the other ghoul is even more of a fascists doesn't make her not one.