Lutris dev has joined the Playtron project
Gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system.
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Just checked it out and it seems that Playtron is yet another Linux distro for gamers. I just can't see how this can be monitized. How do they plan to get users away from Windows, SteamOS or even Bazzite?
As @thejevans@lemmy.ml said in their above comment, they're also backed by a company heavy into crypto bullshit.
Also, anything can be monetized. Never underestimate the ability of greedy fuckheads to be greedy fuckheads.
I bet their whole business model is sucking the blood out of their investor fully conscious that the final OS will fail. I mean, there is no way they will find any degree of success in units sold and actual revenue.
I'm pretty sure that qualifies, at least in the US, as financial fraud...
They are trying to have it as a preinstalled OS on PC handhelds that want a more dedicated gaming experience. They are already working on a device made for it
Bazzite is crazy good. There's absolutely no way they will top it if they keep focusing on the bullshit they are stuffing into Playtron.