For the user or the company? Assuming the user isn't a moron with computers?
Edit: guess im out of the loop as a contractor who generally only does BYOD with my linux machine
For the company, and no one should ever assume for a moment that everyone has their guard up at all times and is infallible.
As far as I've heard you actually assume quite the opposite.
Assuming the user isn't a moron with computers?
If a user doesn't understand that having complete control over every device in your network is essential, he's being a complete moron with computers.
You should do your work, not worrying about patching all the 128 tools you think you need, that's other peoples job.
For the user or the company? Assuming the user isn't a moron with computers?
Edit: guess im out of the loop as a contractor who generally only does BYOD with my linux machine
For the company, and no one should ever assume for a moment that everyone has their guard up at all times and is infallible.
As far as I've heard you actually assume quite the opposite.
If a user doesn't understand that having complete control over every device in your network is essential, he's being a complete moron with computers.
You should do your work, not worrying about patching all the 128 tools you think you need, that's other peoples job.