A big reason that drove me was that I have a micropenis.
Fake. There are no "reasons to drive someone" other than their internal gender, this sounds like something ~~a cis person~~ someone who thinks being trans is a choice would say.
Edit: For clarity, I'm not speculating on whether or not the OP in the post is trans or cis, I'm saying it doesn't sound like a real story because it sounds inauthentic to the trans experience. A trans person could easily think this up, like anyone can make up a story that is close to their experiences, but since it isn't real it doesn't really pass scrutiny.
Fake. There are no "reasons to drive someone" other than their internal gender, this sounds like something ~~a cis person~~ someone who thinks being trans is a choice would say.
Edit: For clarity, I'm not speculating on whether or not the OP in the post is trans or cis, I'm saying it doesn't sound like a real story because it sounds inauthentic to the trans experience. A trans person could easily think this up, like anyone can make up a story that is close to their experiences, but since it isn't real it doesn't really pass scrutiny.
Your internal gender didn't just fall out of a coconut tree.