Orbit by Mozilla
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Well, you can just... not install the extension then?
I won't. But my concern is that Mozilla is heading in the wrong direction lately, and I have used Firefox for a very long time.
We always told them we want things to be optional, and now this is an extension so I dunno. Seems they're listening?
Yes, I'm glad this BS is an extension. I'm not happy that they're spending time on this vs projects people actually seem to want. AI appeared nowhere on the top-10 survey results, yet this is what they come up with. I just hope they didn't spend a ton of time on it.
Thing is, Pocket is also an extension. Just much less optional. If Mozilla makes this AI thing part of their flagship in a lot of the same ways. Possibly even more. It's not about what it is now, but rather what it means for the future of Mozilla and Firefox.