I mean even a lot of pension funds are kept in investments rather than some scrooge mcduck money tower. Unless you're just entirely opposed to managed investments as a whole, a 401k is no less risky than a pension in terms of potential for loss, but it does come with the added benefit of being able to personally direct how it's invested rather than just sitting back and praying that someone else doesn't mismanage it. Your 401k is yours, and yours alone.
I mean even a lot of pension funds are kept in investments rather than some scrooge mcduck money tower. Unless you're just entirely opposed to managed investments as a whole, a 401k is no less risky than a pension in terms of potential for loss, but it does come with the added benefit of being able to personally direct how it's invested rather than just sitting back and praying that someone else doesn't mismanage it. Your 401k is yours, and yours alone.