Apex Legends Recent Reviews Are Now Mostly Negative Because of the Removal of Linux Support
Gaming on the GNU/Linux operating system.
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It's in the uncanny valley. Not the uncanny valley of cheaters vs people parodying cheaters, but the uncanny valley of parodying cheaters to protest the change vs parodying cheaters to say people insisting on Linux are doing so because they do want to cheat.
The negative review is a tip off, but that was my first interpretation of it (that you meant people who wanted it on Linux just want to cheat).
Fair enough, I figured being a Lemmy user was enough indication that I'm a legit Linux user that's annoyed by this, but yeah I see what you mean
I refuse to edit it and will eat the karma as it lands, as is my fate
E: ah, someone else did basically the same joke I did but they left an obviously legit review, so mine looks like I'm making fun of them. My comment is older, or theirs went up as I made mine, but I totally see what the issue is now, mines beneath theirs and looks like sarcasm at them
There's still a vocal minority of people upset about all the Linux talk on Lemmy, though I find deadpan is generally a lot less risky here than it was on Reddit.
And respect for keeping the historical record accurate even if it results in an unhappy score. I do the same. ๐