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Fuck Cars
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the old and infirm? public transportation, and a good set of walking shoes, oh, you can't walk, well fuck you, no cars allowed buddy, you live where you fall now
Old and infirm people existed before cars did, and also I'm pretty sure they are not banning ambulences.
Also public transport and all important public infrastructure is wheelchair friendly so what even is this guy on about?
if you cant walk how are you getting in to your car? do you just live there? car centric infrastructure has never been particularly wheelchair or walker friendly
really though if you dont like it, don't move there. There are care homes better suited to your needs and concerns.
In my experience the legless ride busses better than they drive
Afaik research shows efforts like this actually help diverse communities. Older adults don't benefit as much from nursing homes and the like because it denies them ability to socialize with other generations.
Plus, here in the US fuckin nothing is in walking distance for a sizable population. Older adults and infirm need areas they can walk (or scoot or whatever) without risk of being hit by cars when they take longer to cross a street. Research also shows older adults prefer getting shit done on their own when they can, so giving them ample opportunities like this is exactly what they need. They're still surrounded by people that can help if they do fall.
Cheer up mate
I can tell you haven't been to Nordhavn. There are roads and and cars/ambulance can absolutely drive by. Owning a car in Nordhavn in very hard though, very little parking.
So, is that a colder New York then?
I mean, if all you know is US cities it's the closest one to most European cities but that's a stretch
Yes, but smaller, cleaner, without skyscrapers, less hobos, and with bikes everywhere. Actually it has almost nothing in common with New York, except for being a "big" city with good public transportation.
If you can't walk by yourself for 10 minutes you shouldn't be going around alone in a car either.