I Was a Health Insurance Executive. What I Saw Made Me Quit.
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If everyone dropped their health insurance tomorrow, a lot more people would die and face bankruptcy and homelessness. People don't want to hurt themselves in order to change the system; they want to hurt their oppressors in order to stop the oppression.
I'm talking about people who think that every claim is being denied. If every claim you are posting is being denied, then you don't really have insurance.
And regardless, murdering someone isn't the answer.
So, what is your view or a way to change? As you say, not everyone is getting their claims denied, but we all have to go through bs claim denial that is thrown at us so that the profits of our insurers can go up. So what is the answer? Abandoning our insurers isn’t practical, as the poster above you said, so what recommendations do you have?
Murder isn't the answer. I didn't say I had a solution. I said that I don't think murder is the solution. And I don't care how much hate or how many downvotes I get. I'm not going to advocate murder. Ever.