From an outside perspective, or from a position of ignorance?
At least I personally don't know any American cops and I somehow doubt that you know any, but I can be wrong about that of course.
I do trust that their countryman have a more informed opinion on American cops than 'outsiders' do though.
Then stfu... You don't know what you are talking about but I am sure pigs where you are at are the same. That's just how pigs are and you are naive.
I don't if this true or not but this the classic bootlicker go to line to defend daddy's dogs.
I'm white. By the time I was 18 I was held at gun point 3 times by the police
None of those times was I doing anything dangerous or illegal.
I also turned 18 around the turn of the millennium, before policing became so militarized.
You have no idea how violent and bad American police have become if you don't live here.
From an outside perspective, or from a position of ignorance?
At least I personally don't know any American cops and I somehow doubt that you know any, but I can be wrong about that of course.
I do trust that their countryman have a more informed opinion on American cops than 'outsiders' do though.
Then stfu... You don't know what you are talking about but I am sure pigs where you are at are the same. That's just how pigs are and you are naive.
I don't if this true or not but this the classic bootlicker go to line to defend daddy's dogs.
I'm white. By the time I was 18 I was held at gun point 3 times by the police
None of those times was I doing anything dangerous or illegal.
I also turned 18 around the turn of the millennium, before policing became so militarized.
You have no idea how violent and bad American police have become if you don't live here.