I really wish there was more word from mozilla on this. There are a few electron apps that I'd much rather use a PWA for so I can totally ditch chromium/electron
I don't really know the technical details, but my mental model is it's like an electron app but your browser is what powers it, and you don't get all the bloat an electron app brings with it
Why is this news? We had these for over a decade - Firefox had XULRunner, Opera back then had some sort of app thingy, I feel like this comes around every so often and it never really catches on because you could just run the website in the browser anyway - doing it with less browser controls / UI never seems to catch on. Maybe this time it will but...
I did enjoy Vivaldi for that reason, though, you could do 'hide UI'. Whilst all the controls/tabs/URLbar were still there, they got hidden. It LOOKED exactly like a webapp - but without creating a separate profile for the website in question.
If I want to isolate (which I generally do with a separate user/profile) then I'll do it that way... so if I really wanted a separate 'Amazon' application, it'd be firefox -p Amazon.
Having a separate shortcut in Firefox to HIDE UI would definitely be nice.
Yea, I really don't get what a PWA even is.
I don't really know the technical details, but my mental model is it's like an electron app but your browser is what powers it, and you don't get all the bloat an electron app brings with it
Why is this news? We had these for over a decade - Firefox had XULRunner, Opera back then had some sort of app thingy, I feel like this comes around every so often and it never really catches on because you could just run the website in the browser anyway - doing it with less browser controls / UI never seems to catch on. Maybe this time it will but...
Well electron apps have caught on, but a standard like this that lets you do it directly with your browser seems like it would be better
I did enjoy Vivaldi for that reason, though, you could do 'hide UI'. Whilst all the controls/tabs/URLbar were still there, they got hidden. It LOOKED exactly like a webapp - but without creating a separate profile for the website in question.
If I want to isolate (which I generally do with a separate user/profile) then I'll do it that way... so if I really wanted a separate 'Amazon' application, it'd be
firefox -p Amazon
.Having a separate shortcut in Firefox to HIDE UI would definitely be nice.