I really wish there was more word from mozilla on this. There are a few electron apps that I'd much rather use a PWA for so I can totally ditch chromium/electron
If "installing a "Web App"" is downloading a my most-visited webpage/template, or even the website to local storage to improve load times and responsiveness, ok i get it, its a PWA, I am all for it. Only if they can do that, in 2023 (where still no one can properly implement). But if what they want to do is calling everything you have on a computer an "App", then no thanks Apple and Fuck You.
If "installing a "Web App"" is downloading a my most-visited webpage/template, or even the website to local storage to improve load times and responsiveness, ok i get it, its a PWA, I am all for it. Only if they can do that, in 2023 (where still no one can properly implement). But if what they want to do is calling everything you have on a computer an "App", then no thanks Apple and Fuck You.