I just started trialling kagi the other day and I'm enjoying it so far but one thing I miss is how reliably Google can tell me opening hours when I search for a local cafe. The web results have been better so far, though.
I just use Google maps for that. It will ALWAYS show the hours if they're listed, instead of sometimes like on Google results pages. On my phone I use the maps app and on my desktop I go to maps.google.com.
yes, google maps is still king fothat I guess. After a bit more searching on Kagi, though, I'm really liking it, is there a way to see how many searches you have left?
I just started trialling kagi the other day and I'm enjoying it so far but one thing I miss is how reliably Google can tell me opening hours when I search for a local cafe. The web results have been better so far, though.
I just use Google maps for that. It will ALWAYS show the hours if they're listed, instead of sometimes like on Google results pages. On my phone I use the maps app and on my desktop I go to maps.google.com.
yes, google maps is still king fothat I guess. After a bit more searching on Kagi, though, I'm really liking it, is there a way to see how many searches you have left?
Yup! Go to account/settings/billing and it'll tell you. I thought I would use more than 1000 every month, but so far I'm averaging about 700.