[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 27 points 4 months ago

"For the security" is starting to sound a lot like "for the children". I hope this works out better than secure boot. When these new ideas emerge that have, let's call them, "side effects" like disabling ad-blockers or preventing Linux from being installed I am suspicious.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 19 points 5 months ago

To be honest I was worried the US would be just too sexist and too racist for it to work but I am pleasantly surprised. Back when Hillary was running, we saw a lot of ugly stuff and I am sure they will try that again but somehow I don't think its is going to work as well at this point in time and with this candidate.

The felon has been throwing out vile crap continuously for years now and I think its impact has worn thin and he is weaker than he was. I feel confidant Harris will be much better equipped to fight back than Clinton was.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 25 points 5 months ago

Or his 2 impeachments. Or inciting an insurrection. He's got a few areas to fall back on. Who knows maybe he'll make some more memories.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 34 points 5 months ago

Journalists seem to think this is a game. People have already seen the consequences and how they directly effect their own lives. Women (and families in general) wont forget Roe and it will have impact on an ongoing basis. Most sane people wont forget Jan 6th. People who are paying attention are not going to forget the violent rhetoric and stochastic terrorism, promises of retribution and being a dictator on day 1 etc.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 18 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The double standard the media plays with the 2 candidates is mind blowing. I have two thoughts

  1. The media writes a bunch of articles about "Biden old" and social media amplifies them. Then they bring Joe on and say "Let's put aside that you are doing a great job for a min. A lot of people question if you are able to do the job. Predict the future."

  2. The other guy meanwhile says the media is the enemy of the state. Has vowed retribution against his enemies. Literally talks about having public executions. The Supreme Court he appointed rules that he is immune from law and his lawyer literally agreed with a judge that asked if he could in fact assassinate his rivals.

Bonus thought: Which candidate makes the media more money?

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 33 points 6 months ago

The case is hardly the most important issue. A president who can order seal team 6 to kill their political opponent is. The SC is leading the insurection.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 18 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I think you are right on that. That was at least part of it. Biden's mistake was expecting it to be a debate and not whatever that event was.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 49 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Biden had a bad debate night. But putting it in context, he's had plenty of good or excellent speeches, its just that no one notices and media doesn't care when things go well. Got to get those clicks.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 26 points 6 months ago

The great thing about the stock market compared to other investments like crypto is that stocks are based on the inherent value of the business they represent. Stocks are based on financial fundamentals. You can believe in those investments because they are based on something real and not simply rampant speculation. For example.

Tesla. Worth more than most of the rest of the car market combined because... reasons?

Paypal. Lost 80% of its value starting in July 2021 over a year and never recovered because of terrible problems? Huge losses? Nope, because it "only" grew at 8-9%.

2008 US housing rated as "AAA" investment i.e. "good as cash" based on actual trash.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 17 points 9 months ago

Q: Do you believe in DEI? A: I think we should judge people based on skills.

Except for himself, I guess. He seems clueless on a number of issues and unwilling to assess his own beliefs which is not a flattering quality in my book. I didn't think much of him before this interview and it only reinforced it. I am not sure I liked the interviewer much but he did bring up the right questions and follow-ups so I guess he did a good job.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 29 points 10 months ago

It is completely crazy that businesses mainly do not have strong internship/apprenticeship programs in place. It is hard to predict who is going to be good at tech (or probably most jobs) until given a chance. Some of our most brilliant have been high school dropouts. Even those with credentials and experience will do better with time to learn the company systems and culture. "We need someone who can hit the ground running..." ug, grow up.

Collectivly, we need a major commitment to building the workforce not leeching off of disposable labor.

[-] coffeetest@beehaw.org 25 points 10 months ago

You can't take the current situation out of the historical context. Not saying I agree with the idea that Israel is the same as Nazi but saying "Hamas did shoot first" is missing some crucial steps.

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