What? Immich currently has 2 containers, plus 1 typesense, 1 redis and 1 db. That's not really a lot compared to other stacks
And your hands get all hairy
Mit dem Titelformat lässt sich was machen:
"Schleswig-Holstein plant neuen großen Windpark - Bayern nicht"
"Berlin startet Kampagne gegen Alkoholmissbrauch durch junge Erwachsene - Bayern nicht"
Then it's still on Microsoft for pushing that update through what is essentially a patch pipeline
In contrast to stuff like AI training or crypto, chips at least fulfill an actually useful function, so I don't see the issue with their manufacturing consuming a lot of energy. Or should we compare the same for cars or medicine?
could benefit everyone
It's almost like monopolies are a bad thing
Yeah, I noticed that too. Makes it impossible for your mouse to stay in the gutter to avoid auto play
The 'forest' cut down there is just a wood farm. There's no ecosystem lost, since these farm are basically sterile
uBlock Origin Filter:
Sir, this is NCD, emphasis on the N
Was fällt dem auch ein nicht den ganzen Tag traurig zu sein?! Soll arbeiten gehen der Schmarotzer...
Da steht nicht was ich stoppen soll und bis ich mir darüber ausreichend Gedanken gemacht habe, bin ich schon vorbei 🤷♂️