[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 129 points 2 weeks ago

But do they understand the gravity of that discovery?

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 27 points 1 month ago

There is this saying : if you didn't exercise your right to vote, you don't have the right to complain about the election results either.

Not voting is effectively saying : "don't care, either is good for me." So... Yes you did choose this result by virtue of not making your opinion heard when you were asked for your opinion.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 118 points 1 month ago

“I was not very happy with that. I think in this country, we have to work very hard because there is no substitute for hard work even if you're the most intelligent guy,”

Dude... If you work hard despite the fact that you claim to be intelligent... You are not intelligent.

Work smart, not hard. The smart thing is to take breaks so that you can focus on what you are doing. Not working till you drop.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 119 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The crazy part isn't that people want to be able to disable that. The crazy part is that they want to pay to disable them...

No you guys, that should just be an option, no questions asked. Included in the options menu for... Well, whatever the asking price of the base game is. Also known as included in the base game.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 24 points 1 month ago

Hmm... Ja ist schon klar, ich soll einzahlen und nicht nutzen. Dafür dann die Gesundheit eben aufs Spiel setzen.

Lass mich mal überlegen. Ein paar Mal wegen Krankheit dieses Jahr. Ein mal weil ich im Schritt lustig schmerzen hatte und im entsprechenden alter bin wo da Krebs sein könnte. Ein mal weil ich in der Brust rund ums Herz einen stechenden Schmerz hatte. Eigentlich sollte ich mal noch nach dem Knie was langsam schlimmer wird und nach dem Augen schauen.

Krankheit ist von Betriebsseite schnellstmöglich mit Krankmeldung zu machen und die anderen... Ja was soll ich denn machen? Mit der Schulter zucken und mir denken "na dann Sterb ich jetzt eben?" Oder eben berufsunfähig werden weil ich nicht mehr richtig sehe oder nicht mehr ordentlich laufen kann?

Was für ein Vollpfosten ey.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 46 points 1 month ago

Right. AI music? Hopefully not, it is likely going to lead to generic slop that may infringe on other artists copyright. AI Podcasts? OH GOD NO! factual news isn't working with AI and you guys think that opinions with AI is a good idea? Are you crazy?

Now music recommendations? That might just work given that algorithms are already doing a decent job at presenting new ( to the particular user, not by actual age) music that the user may enjoy. The question really is if that is actually better than what we already have. And there is only one way to find out, which is by testing it and then being honest about it.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 58 points 1 month ago

Alter, wer soll denn den Irrsinn auf der 2024 Bingo Karte haben?

Eventuell Korea Krieg in der Ukraine. Verurteilter Krimineller wird wieder US präsi. Wissing tritt aus FDP aus um Verkehrsminister zu bleiben.

Was kommt als nächstes? Außerirdische kontaktieren uns und nehmen nur die mit die schlau genug sind?

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 25 points 1 month ago

Obviously... Ubisoft

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 74 points 2 months ago

"prison warden advocates for locking everyone up for their own safety"

The network providers know full well that the market is saturated and that they have to make a better offer if they want to gain market share. The only thing device lock in does is improve their bottom line since they can force you into a shitty contract for longer. It has NO benefit for the consumer whatsoever.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 42 points 2 months ago

Crazy stuff... Ads everywhere. Makes my choice to not buy any console this generation seem a lot better. It saved me money and I don't get ads forced on me. I call that a win win.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 46 points 2 months ago

I enjoy playing support classes, you want me to stop Playing support classes? Make it so that they are utterly defenseless and rely solely on others to stay alive.

Ultimately, it will play absolutely terribly if all you can do is run away unless you are playing with a well organized team. And then you may find that all your team mates get to have all the fun in the game while you get stuck with only the boring stuff.

No thank you.

[-] Tarogar@feddit.org 82 points 3 months ago

Ah hacknet. Teaching people Linux terminal in a fun way without them even noticing.

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