- Balatro
- Stardew Valley
- Binding of Isaac Rebirth
- Slay the Spire
- Spelunky 1 & 2
- Dead Cells
I mean, yes the commentator is part of the left political spectrum, as is obvious from their word usage, what they are saying and having an account on lemmy.ml .
They are most likely not a tankie though. "Tankie" doesn't just mean "Leftist I don't like", but rather is for those people who like to be dictatorial and bootlicking while saying they are supporting the little people under those boots. Those people who like Russia, China, Stalin, Mao, etc. and argue that their dictatorial streaks were in fact good and necessary instead of just a different colored boot.
Which is pretty much the opposite of what that commentator said.
They argued that China should shut up about the GDP and instead focus on providing a better life for their citizens. So they criticised China and did not blindly defend them like the first comment in the chain did.
I will not speculate if they haven't read a book on the topic since I don't know them.
But I understood their words just fine and that's what I'm trying to tell you: those are not pseudo-intellectual words but are all completely fine and make sense in the context.
If that makes me a pseudo intellectual as well is up to you now.
Wow, das Klöckner Plakat ist... beeindruckend und beängstigend ehrlich in einem.
Then I disagree. While they wrote a lot of words, in principle they just said: "line goes up does not equal improvement of peoples life" and "so if a country says they care about their people, they should just focus on improving their lives instead of giving the impression that line goes up".
And I agree with that in principle.
The first comment is just tankie for "China can't be wrong because they say they are communist/socialist(, even though they aren't)".
Do you mean the comment made by tiredturtle or the comment that tiredturtle is answering to?
*sings* We do! We do!
Sehr gut, scheinen ja ein paar Entscheidungsträger über die Feiertage mal eine ruhige Minute ohne Lobbyisten gehabt zu haben und gemerkt haben was für einen Scheiß sie da fabrizieren.
Mal sehen wie lange es dauert bis doch wieder für Vorratsdatenspeicherung lobbyiert wird.
Okay, for me the racist and general far right stuff is the bigger problem with Notch.
Na dann alles Gute zum Geburtstag! *tröt*
Counterpoint: if I sell you a photograph which I advertised as of the statue of David and it's just a zoomed in picture of his back, you would be in your rights to complain about leaving out the important parts.
Noch als eigene neue Entdeckung:
Ich habe mit Freunden Trickerion gespielt, das ist ein Brettspiel, bei welchem man einen Showmagier spielt und seine Tricks vorbereiten und lernen muss und dann in einer Show präsentieren um berühmt zu werden. Es sah zwar am Anfang super kompliziert aus, aber war recht schnell verständlich und das ganze ist so in 19/20 Jhd. Wende Atmosphäre gemacht, was mir sehr gefiel. Gibt wohl noch einige Erweiterungen, aber wir haben nur das Basisspiel gespielt.
Ein anderes Spiel, aber mehr physischer Natur/Sport war Jungle Speed. Sehr unterhaltsam und chaotisch. In der Mitte des Tisches steht ein hölzernes Totem, welches bei gleichen Symbolen auf den Karten der Spieler möglichst schnell gegriffen werden muss. Das war sehr spaßig und brauchte auch keine große Erklärung. Je schneller die Spieler sind, umso chaotischer und lustiger wird es.
Remember: WAIT!
They cancelled the beta. So something was SO wrong with the game, that they didn't want the public to find out about.
I hope it will be a good game, because the first was fun to play, but we will find that out after it released.