[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 10 points 1 day ago

I would never mix private data with work related data. You should get a second phone for work related things. As pointed out by others, it may be technically possible to have both on the phone without interfering with each other (which also would be more convenient), but keeping things separated physically has another advantage: Data you are handling/ generating at work belongs to your employer. This means that he can demand (problbly backed up by law) to search your phone when things should go south in the future. You don't want your employer to have a peek at your personal phone, do you? Also, your employer might want you to install tracking/ logging software to make sure you really do the work. By having a dedicated phone for work related stuff your private stuff is out of focus.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 5 points 1 day ago

Auf Wikipedia gibt es ein Schaubild, das die Generationen gut darstellt. Ich halte mich immer an diese Einordnung. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/Generation_timeline.svg

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 23 points 6 days ago

Wichtiger wäre es, die echten Probleme anzugehen: Die Mitarbeitenden in Jobcentern fühlen sich seit Jahren überlastet, die Digitalisierung der Verwaltung läuft schleppend. Viele, die Grundsicherung bekommen, brauchen aber möglichst schnell Weiterbildungen, Sprachkurse und unbürokratischere Zugänge zum Arbeitsmarkt. Unter den Bürgergeldempfängerinnen sind viele Alleinerziehende. Wie sollen die arbeiten, wenn ihre Kinder nicht ausreichend betreut sind?

Das sind die Probleme, die mit den Sanktionen kaschiert werden sollen. Es geht wohl kaum um die ca. 16.000 Bürgergeldempfänger, die sich total verweigern, eine Stelle anzunehmen.

Es werden sich in den nächsten Jahren noch so einige CDU/SPD/AfD-Wähler umgucken, wenn es auf einmal sie selbst betrifft.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 1 points 6 days ago

I live in Germany.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I looked it up. Neat concept, but it is availiable within US only. There is nothing similar availiable at my country - at least, not that I know of.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Did you follow the tutorial I posted? If so, the English-translated part may not have the right terminology. I followed the instructions on the linked website: https://www.404media.co/paypal-personalized-shopping-opt-out/. I suppose, this is appliccable worldwide.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 5 points 6 days ago

To me, it is. I don't have a credit card - I never got one offered by my bank (...which makes one think...). Back in the "early days" (early 2000s - mostly on Ebay) it was quite common to recieve the bank information of the seller after purchase. Then I had to wire the money to the sellers' account. There was no online banking. It could take up to a week to wire the money. After the seller recieved the payment, the ordered item got sent with postal service. When Paypal was introduced, it was a game changer: the seller recieved the money instantly, and could send the purchased item right away.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 5 points 6 days ago

How do you do online shopping then? Most websites offer Paypal as a payment method, among credit cards. Or do you pay with a credit card?

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 69 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)
  • Einloggen
  • Herunterscrollen und unten auf der Seite den Link „Datenschutz“ anklicken
  • dann bei Datenschutz festlegen den Link „Datenschutzeinstellungen“ anklicken
  • dann das Feld „Interessenbasierte Werbung“ anklicken
  • auf jeden der beiden Einträge klicken und den Schalter jeweils auf „aus“ schalten

. Translated from the above:

  • Log in
  • Scroll down and click on the “Privacy” link at the bottom of the page
  • then click on the "Privacy settings" link under Data & Privacy
  • then click on the “Interest-based advertising” (Personalized shopping) field
  • click on each of the two entries and set the switch to “off” in each case

A video that explains how information on a QR codes is stored.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 48 points 1 month ago

This is a futile attempt to establish safety, and it is done so that it can be claimed that something has been done.

If some person has the intention to do any harm to others, this person would not be stopped by any restriction to carry any weapon.

The real issues lay much deeper: A growing number of refugees and asylum seekers that want to work, but are prohibited to do so, but at the same time these are competing in an already tight housing market. Raising costs of living, growing inequality, growing envy and a part of the population which is on the brink of shiftig into a nazi movement, with a growing resentment to foreign people. It takes more than putting up a sign that says that weapons are forbidden beyond this point to solve these problems.

Also, in Germany there is no reason ever to walk around with waepons. Compared to other parts of the world it is pretty safe here.

Putting up a sign that states that weapon are forbidden would have the same impact as putting up a sign that forbids wild fires in the forest or flooding near a body of water.

submitted 1 month ago by nicerdicer@feddit.org to c/videos@lemmy.world
[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 47 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Dieses Phänomen wird immer wieder auftauchen, sobald sich etwas ändert. Es wird ein bisschen rumgezetert, aber letztendlich arrangiert man sich damit. So wie es auch bereits in der Vergangenheit geschehen ist, mit Sachen, die bei ihrer Einführung sehr auf Skepsis gestoßen sind aber heute als absolut normal angesehen werden:

  • Anschnallgurte in Autos
  • Airbags
  • Manuelle Schaltung wird nicht mehr angeboten
  • Rauchverbot im Linienbus
  • Staubsauger nur noch mit 900W
  • FI-Schalter im Sicherungskasten
  • Farbe jetzt lösemittelfrei
  • Computer ist jetzt idiotensicher - man kann ihn nicht mehr mit "format c:" kaputtmachen
  • Webseite hat neues Design, die Knöppe sind jetzt woanders
  • Gasofen hat jetzt Bimetallschalter als Sicherheitseinrichtung
  • Not-Aus an der Kreissäge
  • Müll muss getrennt entsorgt werden
  • Altöl nicht mehr in den Garten kippen
  • und vieles mehr

Aber dass Getränkedosen früher einen Abreissdeckel hatten wusste ich bis heute nicht. Ich dachte, der Verschluss, wie man ihn heute kennt, wäre schon immer so gewesen.

submitted 3 months ago by nicerdicer@feddit.org to c/videos@lemmy.world

Alexander Selkirk was left on an unhabited island in 1704. His incredible story became the inspiration for the novel Robinson Crusoe.

[-] nicerdicer@feddit.org 43 points 3 months ago

When changing lanes or turning you are supposed to use the turning signal before doing the manouver. The turning signal is supposed to warn other drivers that you are going to do something. It doesn't make any sense to use the turning signal when already mid-turning or while already changing lanes. Many drivers don't seem to know that.

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