High time Google opens up the RCS for other apps on Android.
Apple protecting it's precious garden.
Honestly, Custom ROMs have been in decline of usage since few years. There are also Other ROMS like Pixel Experience, PixyOS, Havoc, evolutionX, PixelOS, Paranoid, Derpfest, CrDroid and lot more.
The reason for the drop is due to a combination of reasons like better OEM UI, unpublished Kernel code (Chinese OEMs, Mediatek), locked bootloaders and Safetynet issues.
I'm currently rocking CrDroid it has currently ~85K active devices (https://stats.crdroid.net/).
I really cant wrap my head that religion still exist in this age. Like we have mass destruction weapons, rockets that go beyond earth, have proof of how vast the universe is and then what we fight over is how some God has dictated our life to be.
I srsly dont want the internet infra to be controlled by the dick headed person.
The things a 2 trillion dollars company can afford.
The fact that iMessage got the exemptions underpins the entire act. I would any day switch to Signal, if there is 1:1 interoperability b/w the platforms.
Yes, I can't wait for them to launch the newest innovative tech of Type C for iPhone, which will offer more speed and better compatibility cause they are the good guys who swear they would protect your data and keep an eye on your photos too.
Nice to hear after seeing the disastrous landing by Russia.
Kudos to the entire team that made this possible.
Honestly, I have found teens using iOS to be more tech illiterate. Like they dont know about Piracy, Ad-blockers and stuff. Crazily believe that apple IS privacy friendly and shit like that.
Plasma 6 is really shaping up to be quite a nice overhaul of the system.
But it doesn't track you. So, better Privacy