Of course Biden shouldn't do anything heinous, but he definitely should do something earthshaking against either Republican party or the Supreme Court just to make a point.
Might as well use a bike instead. Or an e-scooter.
Defenestratiosis is a serious healthcare problem in Russia.
I got many apps installed. I don't keep in my memory what I have. How do I check that I don't have any from those compromised?
Well, tough shit. Maybe don't invest in batshit insane dictatorships?
Wasn't there a Warhammer lore Attenborough channel already?
Anon actually so racist can't tell Indians apart from Pakistanis
Does this really matter? Are not the swing states the ones that actually decide the president?
Wan't that WW1?
I don't think they know how volume calculations work. When I read 1000 Capybaras, I though "huh, that's not actually that big", until they say it's actually the diameter or that much capybaras.
EDIT: I did some pocket calculations and it seems like 1000 capybaras can fit into an around 13 capybara diameter sphere.
It's wholesome and gives the sport a balance. Only psychopaths would watch people beat each other without occasionally embracing in a warm loving hug.
In case anyone here needs this