Panau in Just Cause 2. Minus the bad guys of course. I spent a lot of time just traversing that place for fun.
I did. There's almost zero engagement. My most popular thread is a meta narrative about me being in there talking to myself. There were at least two other attempts that are even more inactive. Not enough of y'all are into synthesizers.
This was the moment I checked out of the prequels. Vader, as a child, built C-3PO? I'm supposed to continue suspending my disbelief, now? Impossible.
Wow. I'm a hobbyist musician. I have ~12 million listens across various streaming services and have made a whopping $45 in the two years since I finally released ~25 years worth of material. (Which is a lot of why it's my hobby and not a living.)
I can't imagine the numbers this guy had to pull off to make that much.
It's not really just Spotify. I'm a hobbyist music producer. I uploaded my entire catalog through Distrokid about two years ago. Distrokid serves just about every streaming service. It costs $20 a year for the most basic package. I've got ~8 million listens according to Distrokid, and that nets me about $40 US. So, I made my money back. Not bad for 20 years of work. Haha!
I don't really care about the numbers, like I said, I'm a hobbyist. I make music because I enjoy making music. It would never be my career unless I dropped everything and struck out touring trying to make it in an industry that traditionally chews up and spits out hopefuls. I'm not exactly the age or attractiveness that most people expect in a touring musician, either.
An ex and I were on an hour-long bus trip to the next city over where we lived in Korea. The subject of there being a subway in said city came up, and I insisted there was not. She insisted that she saw one there once. I further insisted that there was no way the city was big enough to have a subway. It got quite heated. Anger. Hurt feelings.
She was talking about the sandwich restaurant, I was talking about underground trains. We were both right.
A couple years ago, I ended up in an ambulance due to what turned out to be a small urethra stone. At the hospital, I had an x-ray. When that didn't find the problem, they gave me a CT scan. Once they found the stone, they called in a urologist. I got a consultation, prescription, passed the stone later that day (it was tiny), and recovered very quickly. My total bill was 243'000 Korean won - just about $200 USD. I only had the mandatory insurance that was paid for by my employer. Something to the tune of $50 a month that they are legally required to pay.
The US's system is completely fucked. Broken beyond repair. I wish them luck.
You want to wreck someone at hangman? Choose "jazz". Getting "A" as the second letter is no help at all, and "J" and "Z" are the last letters anyone guesses.
Hahaha! "We need access to your private data to protect your privacy." We've come full circle.
Frankly, I'd stop using YouTube entirely before I'd start using it without an adblocker. At least there are no signs of it slowing down for me, yet.
I haven't been back to Reddit since the first day of protests.
Not gonna lie though, I miss it. The niche stuff I went to Reddit for in the first place came here during the drama, but despite an initial push to get some replacement communities going here, they've gone almost completely inactive now.
/stuff/stuff stuff/
Source: myself a number of years ago...