[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 324 points 1 month ago

Day 30 of being fucking bewildered that I, a non-voting member of my city's bicycle commission, have stricter ethical laws binding me than those for judges and politicians.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 183 points 2 months ago

This is one of the supposed benefits of the free market. If left alone, under normal conditions, what's supposed to happen is that badly ran, uncompetitive firms end up showing themselves the door, making room for new market competitors who may not be so badly managed. Don't fucking save them, especially don't advocate for saving them if you claim to love free markets.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 160 points 2 months ago

I'm a paramedic, these are absolutely fatal temperatures. "Oh WeLl He HaD a SeIzUrE dIsOrDeR", yeah, it's called heat stroke, you mop handle. People have seizures from heat stroke. Turns out that stuff that makes seizures more likely tends to provoke seizures, go fucking figure. "Well, hold on, they had medical conditions", yeah, medical conditions make people more vulnerable to heat exposure, which means that when you let their core temperatures get up to the level of causing a heat stroke, they're going to fucking die.

I really hope the next of kin can try to get an independent examiner to review their case and sue these jackasses to the point where they can't even keep their dog's shit, because this is absolutely 100% gross negligence, manslaughter, and downright immoral, unethical behavior.

Spoiler Alert (pixelfed.social)

Not my work, found it on YouTube and enjoyed this artist's work, so I thought I'd show my appreciation by sharing. Reminds me of the old school country vibes before it got taken over by make believe patriots.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 195 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'm going to vote, and vote for Biden, but realistically, the democrats have already fumbled this big time.

The debate: honest to fuck, Trump looked composed and almost presidential next to Joe in that debate. I facepalmed in the first thirty seconds and never stopped. Jesus Christ, that was a massacre, and I don't know how anyone can pretend otherwise.

Biden himself: The debate kind of unsealed the can of questions about Joe's well being, and you're just not getting the snakes back in. Every time he goes to prove he's still Joe from 2020 or 2012, we get Joe from 2024, or even a flash of Joe from the debates. His audio is always fucked because he's speaking so soft that they have to turn the gain all the way up to pick him up, which means they also grab all kinds of artifact. He walks like an old man refusing to use the walker that his doctor is begging him to use. He keeps having pretty serious gaffes that kind of go beyond what we've come to expect from Joe. This just isn't going away, especially because every attempt to clean it up makes it worse. So, they're going to rely on the HRC 16 strategy of just yelling "Just shut the fuck up and vote, or we're going to get Hitler!"

Only: Now they're afraid to use the one trick this donkey seems to know anymore. The democrats got lazy, being able to use the threat of fascism as a fundraising and outreach tool. The problem is that we're talking about armed Americans here, and you convince the right ones that the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and, well... [Gestures]. So, now, the democrats have spent eight years telling us how Trump is Hitler (and make no mistake about it, he is a fascist) and building their platform around being the not fascists, and now that whole rug has gotten yanked out from under them because if they keep using that rhetoric, it's going to get someone killed. So, which is it? Trump is a serious threat of fascism and must be stopped to save the Republic, or it's not actually that bad and it's okay as long as Joe feels he tried his best?

Oh, and the assassination attempt gave Trump a couple of big Ws. First, that fucking picture. Show me a picture of Joe that's that cool that isn't just a meme; you can't. Second, instead of hustling away immediately, shit ass decided to have a moment of showmanship and pump his fist and yell "fight!" I hate that Donald is a good showman, but he is, and denying it won't change it.

So let's review, shall we?

Joe has: a really very just okay first time if you forgive the little genocide detail. And probably Parkinson's or sundowner's or something. He also has no real strategy left now that pointing out that the fascists are fascist leads to an unacceptable risk of political violence.

Trump has: a terrible awful first term that was a whole COVID ago, a badass picture, a badass moment, the ability to mostly kinda sorta speak in full sentences at a good volume, not bad reaction time tbh, and a bunch of newly sympathetic news coverage, donors, and people ready to join up with the fascists supporting him.

You might read all this and say "fuckin Trump supporter", and, I mean, good for you, I guess. I'm going to vote for Biden or whoever isn't Trump on November, but I'm also trying to be realistic about the situation we're in. The democrat establishment have bunglefucked the situation bad, and I have grave concerns about their ability to get their shit in gear by November. May they prove me wrong, I am not excited about Christian fascism.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 190 points 3 months ago

I would vote for a wet sandwich before I vote for Trump, but Jesus Christ, it would be nice if the democrats fucking tried.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 236 points 3 months ago

If only. Dude looks and sounds like he's about drop dead. I cannot begin to express how enormously frustrated with the democrats I am.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 226 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

This is so frustrating to watch as an American. I spent much of my youth on the internet getting clowned on by Europeans for the consequences of my country's hard right policies. The UK has been deservedly getting clowned on for the consequences of embracing the Tories. It beggars belief that the same people clowning on the US and UK would then turn around and say to themselves "yes, but it will be different for us, it will work for us, our situation really is different, you don't understand". No, it won't be different. Pretty soon, you're going to be following the path that the Tories set the UK on, marvelling at how dysfunctional your government is, and hearing about how the only solution is even more gibs to the people who are already the most economically advantaged and the private sector. Before you click reply, just consider that you guys deserve to get fucking dunked on, because you guys spent decades laughing at other countries for doing this shit just to say "hmmm... but what if sticking the fork in the electrical socket works out for me?" I'm honestly sad and disappointed for Europe, not least of all because after years of deservedly shitting on the US for being racist, all it took was one big wave of immigration for you guys to hold up blonde dumbasses with bad hair and worse ideas as the solution to all of your problems.

"Oh, great bozo of the European trailer park, what is your wisdom to save our culture from the immigrants?"

"Deregulate sewage plants. You will certainly not regret deregulating sewage plants."

Enjoy your US-style healthcare system in a few years, I guess.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 241 points 10 months ago

I'd like to know why exactly the board fired Altman before I pass judgment one way or the other, especially given the mad rush by the investor class to re-instate him. It makes me especially curious that the employees are sticking up for him. My initial intuition was that MSFT convinced Altman to cross bridges that he shouldn't have (for $$$$), but I doubt that a little more now that the employees are sticking up for him. Something fucking weird is going on, and I'm dying to know what it is.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 252 points 11 months ago

Pleeeeaaaase give this guy some consequences and not another stern talk and finger wag.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by conditional_soup@lemm.ee to c/fuckcars@lemmy.world

Kanye is getting less and less excited as the ACE rail extension to Merced gets more and more delayed. I reckon they're doing it like this to tie in to the HSR station, but come on, man.


c/ca_native_plants https://lemm.ee/c/ca_native_plants


This community is for identifying, promoting, and discussing plants native to California, as well as encouraging their use in landscapes and gardens. Questions about identification are welcomed, but the community should be only ever considered a second opinion for foraging purposes.



Bigfoot came out just to watch the train. A true Renaissance Man.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 281 points 1 year ago

Tbh, the worst part is when you pay for it and still get ads anyway. Feels like double dipping, but it's obviously going to happen because wall street doesn't like when line only goes up a little.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 233 points 1 year ago

Hey little buddy, how's the independent grid working out for you?

Jesus Christ.

[-] conditional_soup@lemm.ee 182 points 1 year ago

This kills me. Dude was asked nicely, warned, and given multiple chances to avoid falling foul of the law. Few people would get such treatment from our government. And even still, he managed to do nothing, get raided, and complain about how unfair this all is. Unbelievable.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by conditional_soup@lemm.ee to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world



My goal here is to provide a general space for EMS professionals to share and shitpost. People who are not in EMS are also welcome.

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