Can we have the names in the headlines of which MPs keeps consistently putting this crap on the agenda multiple times every year for the last couple of decades?
GrapheneOS also has this. Not sure stock android includes it.
The way i understand it, this stops maintenance for Syncthing, but Syncthing-fork in fdroid will continue its development and support as usual. Both show if you do a Syncthing search in fdroid. The fork is more up to date with features.
Does it also send a poop emoji now?
Why are we posting news from September?
Which he will turn down. If you watch the episode you'll see all the perks he enjoys from being who he is. Which of course he'd stop being invited to, if he retired from the position.
Still not enough to get them banned from Eurovision, right?
"The lies we said before you just found out not to be true are no longer a problem because we have these brand new lies"
"The indivuals". Four. Four guys. That's all. Of all the Israeli illegal settlers, a whole total of FOUR are getting banned from buying US properties...which I doubt they wanted to, anyway.
How often did you change the components of your laptop before?
Well that's the point, ain't it? You didn't because you couldn't. Now this laptop gives you a new plethora of opportunities.
Ooof. After having a pinephone, I know what 2 or 3GB of RAM can handle these days. Not much, really. Specially the moment you open the browser. I'm going to pass from any project that doesn't attempt to at least get close to this decade's standards.